Sunday 18 December 2011

There’s a First Time for Everything

            I’m not ashamed of saying I don’t have a nightlife-I’m a day person. This is slowly becoming a lie as I get out with old high school friends. December 17, 2011, this is the date I can say “We went out to a bar and grabbed some drink” instead of getting wasted in a house-which to me was a better idea just because of better and cheaper booze.

The following events happened around 12AM-1AM (I always wanted to use this ala 24 line). We started the night at Izakaya, grabbed some beer, and checked the crowd. It was a nice place, a little too small but people were A-OK but we need that group thing going since we’re also a group. After hitting a little dry spell, we went out to Cable Car to check out the scene. My friends knew some people we were still checking girls out and trying to get to talk to them but everyone was with someone. Its not what you see on TV just like Home Shopping Network, that’s how bad our statistic was. Nevertheless we had a great night drinking with ourselves and playing foosball. Since it was really late and we were still supposed to hit another bar, we decided to hit Mercato for a quick bite and then go to the next bar. It was around 2:30AM when we got to Mercato and we walked around a little to check what would be good to eat. It was almost closed and we (and by “we”, I meant I) saw this huge burger. I immediately said I want a burger if it’s not that 12-incher, I still want something heavy after not eating for 7-8hrs.

There was a long debate if we would be getting the 12” burger and we did after saying that we don’t have balls if we didn't try it at the very least. Run Burger Run, having a running themed burger stand called it The Marathon- if you eat it; I think you’d need to run 42k just to burn it. By the way, I doubt if two people can eat it in one sitting. Anyway, before or right on the first bite, we got our picture taken by this beautiful RBR lady (which I forgot to ask the name, so rude of me, so RBR, if you may, can we please have all your names at that particular time?) to make things official. So there we were with the Marathon and we had it sliced 3 quarters and 2 1/8ths just because Jared and Jiggy didn’t have the marbles to even try devouring a quarter. With all honesty, I think I finished my part around 7-8 minutes Jiggy didn’t even come to close finishing his. Jared downed it. Paolo tapped out when there were about three bites left. Kudos to the guys, nevertheless, it was a great battle with a cow. While I was washing down the burger with soda, The RBR peeps told us about their plans on making a gimmick for the Marathon something about speed eating. So cutting it short, we gave our two cents (while burping discreetly) so we would have a small part of its history.

Cutting this shorter; burger was great, really moist, really tasty and super sinful. What’s great about it is there was nothing “new” or unusual about it; it was basically lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, beef, caramelized onions, and bacon. There was nothing crazy about it besides the size, I loved the simplicity. And for those of you who can’t imagine how big it is, it’s as big as a regular steering wheel and about 4” high.

I hope to see you soon Run Burger Run peeps. Really enjoyed the experience. It wasn't just big, it also tastes superb. Kudos!
Here's a link to their Facebook page (  )